****IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: When you have completed your poster design, please save as a PDF to retain your font and other design elements. Do not use Print to PDF to convert your PowerPoint. It will resize the PDF to the incorrect smaller size. Also avoid using online PDF converters. They often create corrupted files that are problematic to print.****
We can take payment by credit or debit card when you come to pick up your poster.
PRIOR APPROVAL REQUIRED. Is the cost of your poster being covered by a department, conference, or student organization? The chair, conference organizers or student organization advisor must confirm approval by sending an e-mail to digital.learningstudio@millersville.edu
Services and Software
We can help you with:
Creating Documents - Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Editing Photos and Flyers - Adobe Suite including Photoshop and Illustrator
Making and Editing Movies - iMovie
Creating Screencasts - MU Video
Creating Simple webpages
and more... Let us know what you are working on and we will see what we can do to help.